

online safety and digital citizenship specialist

Useful things for young people aged 11-14

31 October 2013

'Facebook is in the process of a privacy shift that would let all users be discovered via Graph Search.

The company reminded users earlier this month that it is phasing out the "Who can look up your timeline by name," Facebook privacy feature that allowed people to essentially opt-out of being discoverable within Graph Search.

Here's how you can make sure that you don't get unwanted attention or unfamilar friend requests as a result of this Facebook privacy change.' Read the full article on

24 October 2013

Zipit helps you get flirty chat back on the right track. It's packed with killer comebacks and top tips to help you stay in control of your chat game.

Save images onto your device and share them with your friends!

Share images on Facebook, Twitter, BBM or via email

Find out how to deal with a sexting crisis

Get advice to help you flirt without failing

Call ChildLine or save the number to your phone

You can also share images from Zipit through other apps like Whatsapp or Instagram, depending on what kind of phone you have and what apps you have on your phone.


More infomation and download the app

18 September 2013

'What does every princess need? A dress? A tiara? Glass slippers? A palace? A fairy Godmother? A handsome prince?

No. What every princess needs – what we all need – is autonomy. Every one of the Disney Princesses struggles to get the kind of life they want, pushed in ways they don't want by powerful forces, by established norms, and by systems that seem designed to control them. How can they break free? How can they gain the autonomy they want? One key tool for all of them is to have more control over their privacy and their identity.' Continue reading..

10 September 2013
02 September 2013

Attitudes around, gender, stereotyping and double standards on social media are complex and hard to change. This powerful video by a 13 year old girl is articulate, engaging and poses a great many questions that could be useful in supporting our own young people.